Go forth and conquer
Go forth and conquer

We were foreigners and there was an unpopular war in progress.

go forth and conquer

Hawaii had been the launching point for many soldiers, sailors and airman since the attack on Pearl Harbor and to be fair, the word Haole was not exactly an endearing term. A few things I learned pretty quickly was that the Aloha spirit was pretty selective back in the early seventies.


But the free time in the evening would allow me to learn a little bit more about the Island and its people. Not exactly a glorious way to start my submarine journey. (A sympathetic airman revealed this to me after the plane was already headed down the runway and I was sitting in the terminal wondering what happened.) The resulting delay meant that instead of flying to Guam for the first patrol I should have made, I would spend the next few months living in temporary barracks doing rehabilitation work on the main barracks at Sub Base. I had my orders in hand but I had been bumped from my first flight a few days before in California by an Air Force General and his family who made a last minute decision to vacation in the islands. It wasn’t long before I ditched the uniform and found my way to the Naval base.

go forth and conquer

I will admit a kind of envy to see the balding middle age guys and their annoying children being fawned over by beautiful girls that gave them fake Aloha kisses and flowers. I was not included in that friendly greeting (the uniform kind of revealed that I was not a welcome visitor to the islands but just another Navy boy on his way to work). I was on a plane that had a tour group on it and they were greeted by lovely young girls wearing the most amazing outfits and covered with multiple leis. The smell is one that was so powerful and so distinct that I can still imagine exactly what it was like as I sit here in my office. The second thing I was hit with was the smell of the plumeria flowers in the many leis that adorned both natives and arriving visitors. There was a slight breeze but even with as open as the Honolulu airport was, wearing wool was not the best plan.

go forth and conquer

Back in the day, we were told to wear dress blues for travel when we traveled (or at least that is what I remember the Chief saying as I left my last school on my way there) and the first rush of island air convinced me that they may not have included Hawaii in that thought process. The very first thing that hit me when I got off the plane in Hawaii is the humidity.

go forth and conquer

We are about done with the day but what we wanted to do was actually just go ahead and get some final thoughts from from everyone for this whole modern women's portraiture event so lou why don't you go ahead and head on over and join kenna and the other instructors and we'll we'll get some final thoughts having you for women on here on the stage for three days powerhouses powerhouses the chat rooms are continuing to go wild so wanted teo talk with each of you again about rounding up the day and final thoughts again we have so many people that are in different parts of their couriers or they're amateurs different places in the photography you each brought a different element of your own style again different careers and different different genres so laura we'll start with you yeah yeah what three days so yeah thank you, teo all of you for even teaching me something just been really nice to watch, you know different genres of photography I'm in the fashion industry it's very rare that I. 8 Inspiration and Motivation 34:25 9 Lou Freeman's Creative Team 38:29 10 Shoot: Birth of Venus 27:23 11 Shoot: Fairytale Goddess 11:40 12 Shoot: Moon Scene 40:35ĭay 2 13 Lara Jade's Background 22:52 14 Ten Steps to Success Part 1 30:32 15 Ten Steps to Success Part 2 44:45 16 Shoot: One Light Setup 26:02 17 Shoot: Two Light Setup 40:13 18 Emily Soto's Keys to a Successful Career 21:25 19 Shoot: Digital Camera 21:11 20 Shoot: Film Camera 26:50 21 Film Q&A 13:10 22 Digital Post Processing 23:00 23 Emily Soto's Photoshop Actions 19:16 24 Polaroid Post Production with Q&A 23:09ĭay 3 25 Shoot: Fashion Posing Part 1 24:54 26 Shoot: Fashion Posing Part 2 30:40 27 Model vs Non-Model Posing Comparison 33:16 28 Posing Multiple Body Types Part 1 21:19 29 Posing Multiple Body Types Part 2 43:47 30 Posing Multiple Body Types Part 3 36:10 31 Shoot: Portrait Posing Part 1 22:55 32 Shoot: Portrait Posing Part 2 34:17 33 Shoot: Portrait Posing Part 3 15:33 34 Boudoir and Glamour Posing Part 1 33:33 35 Boudoir and Glamour Posing Part 2 17:13 36 Shoot: Bourdoir Posing 25:45 37 Go Forth and Conquer 14:37

Go forth and conquer